Week 3

As I was going through the unit guide, the fifth theme – New Media Art in Second Life, grabbed my attention. What is second life? Is it another life after death, either in heaven or hell? Or is it a life that escaped near death?

Second Life is a website of a 3D- World, which is of course virtual , built and owned by its residents. It was first published to the public in 2003. Information about Second Life can be found here

More or similar new media website in offer is Rhizome, an online platform created for new media artists around the globe. These will be the theme I would be researching for my portfolio. After discussing with Paula, I can then decide and confirm which either of these two I shall be doing.

Seems difficult to find how you upload video or any other media resources. But hey, I just found the way how to upload video and it is quite easy.

I was trying to upload pictures from Flickr but unfortunately this way does not seems to work. Now I have to open an account with Photobucket which supports wordpress to enable me to upload or export pictures.

Me and Myself

Tried uploading through Photobucket but have not got a clue to post it here. The picture above was uploaded through wordpress itself by clicking on Dashboard < Manage < Uploads. Then, click on the Browse button to find the image that you wanted which is stored in your computer and click Upload. Once uploaded you can give title and description of the file and edit the size and linkage, which then you have to save